Omeleta com cogumelos, couve e feta
Omeleta com cogumelos, couve e feta

Omeleta com cogumelos, couve e feta

Tempo total15 Mins.
10 Mins.Tempo de preparação
5 Mins.Tempo de confeção

Esta receita de omeleta vegetariana é perfeita para o pequeno -almoço ou almoço. Servida com cogumelos e ervas e acompanhada com couve crua e queijo feta. Deliciosa e bem-equilibrada


2 Porções
1 colheres de chá
1 pitada

Para servir

120 g
1 colheres de chá
 ½ colheres de chá
2 colheres de sopa
cebolinho cortado
50 g
50 g
queijo feta
1 colheres de sopa
sumo de limão
1 colheres de sopa
fatias de pão integral
Informação nutricional (por porção)2112 kJ / 505 kcal
30,7 gGorduras totais
23,7 gProteína
34,9 gHidratos de carbono


Passo 1

Slice the mushrooms. In a frying pan, fry them until browned in butter, then season with Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce, pepper and 1 tablespoon of chopped chives.

Passo 2

Beat the eggs well, season it with Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce and pepper.

Passo 3

Melt the butter in a pan. Pour eggs over it and fry on low heat, covered, until the top is firm. Put the finished omelette on a plate.

Passo 4

Serve it with mushrooms and kale mixed with feta and olive oil. Sprinkle the dish with lemon juice and the rest of the chives. Serve with bread.

ID da Receita 1096

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Slice the mushrooms. In a frying pan, fry them until browned in butter, then season with Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce, pepper and 1 tablespoon of chopped chives.

Beat the eggs well, season it with Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce and pepper.

Melt the butter in a pan. Pour eggs over it and fry on low heat, covered, until the top is firm. Put the finished omelette on a plate.

Serve it with mushrooms and kale mixed with feta and olive oil. Sprinkle the dish with lemon juice and the rest of the chives. Serve with bread.

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