Salmão com molho de soja
Salmão com molho de soja

Salmão com molho de soja

Tempo total50 Mins.
35 Mins.Tempo de preparação
15 Mins.Tempo de marinada


4 Porções

Ingredientes para o salmão:

1 colheres de chá
de gengibre fresco ralado
2 colheres de chá
de piri-piri
150 g filetes de salmão
1 colheres de chá
de óleo de amendoim

Ingredientes para o tacho de legumes:

2 colheres de sopa
de óleo de amendoim
150 g
de brócolos
pimento vermelho, sem sementes e cortado em tiras finas
175 g
rebentos de soja
115 ml
caldo de peixe
Informação nutricional (por porção)1774 kJ / 424 kcal
24,9 gGorduras totais
34,8 gProteína
5,4 gHidratos de carbono


Passo 1

Mix together the rice vinegar, Kikkoman Tamari Gluten-free soy sauce, ginger and chilli sauce. Place the salmon fillets in a shallow dish and pour over the soy sauce mixture. Set aside for 15 minutes or longer.

Passo 2

Heat a ridged grill pan or heavy frying pan and lightly grease with the oil. Add the fish to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes, turning the fillet over once.

Passo 3

While the salmon is cooking, stir-fry the vegetables. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan, add the tenderstem broccoli and red pepper and stir-fry for 5 minutes.

Passo 4

Add the bean sprouts and any marinade left in the salmon dish and stir-fry for a further 2-3 minutes or until the vegetables are just tender.

Passo 5

When the salmon is cooked, remove the fillets from the pan and keep warm. Add the fish stock to the pan the salmon was cooked in and let the stock bubble for 1 minute, scraping the pan with a spoon to incorporate any cooking juices.

Passo 6

Serve the salmon accompanied with the vegetables and the pan juices drizzled over.


As well as the vegetables, you could serve boiled rice, rice noodles or mashed sweet potato with the salmon.

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Mix together the rice vinegar, Kikkoman Tamari Gluten-free soy sauce, ginger and chilli sauce. Place the salmon fillets in a shallow dish and pour over the soy sauce mixture. Set aside for 15 minutes or longer.

Heat a ridged grill pan or heavy frying pan and lightly grease with the oil. Add the fish to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes, turning the fillet over once.

While the salmon is cooking, stir-fry the vegetables. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan, add the tenderstem broccoli and red pepper and stir-fry for 5 minutes.

Add the bean sprouts and any marinade left in the salmon dish and stir-fry for a further 2-3 minutes or until the vegetables are just tender.

When the salmon is cooked, remove the fillets from the pan and keep warm. Add the fish stock to the pan the salmon was cooked in and let the stock bubble for 1 minute, scraping the pan with a spoon to incorporate any cooking juices.

Serve the salmon accompanied with the vegetables and the pan juices drizzled over.

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